They are a healthy snack option that is characterized by being crunchy, delicious and nutritious, suitable to be consumed at any time of the day.
Avalaible in the follow flavors:
Ciboulette, original, hot, jamón, queso y sin sal agregada.
Bolsas por 45g.
Potes por 100g.
Bolsas doy pack por 250 g.
Bolsas de 1 kg.
Snacks de garbanzo. Sin gluten. Hechos a base de plantas.
SNACKS por 100g.:
Cantidad de unidades por caja: 46
Box size: 49 * 32,5 * 17 cm
SNACKS doy pack:
Quantity of units per box: 25
Box size: 49 * 32,5 * 17 cm